In bash, how do I join N parameters together as a space separated string

Similar to perreal's answer, but with a subshell:

function strjoin () (IFS=$1; shift; echo "$*");
strjoin : 1 '2 3' 4
1:2 3:4

Perl's join can separate with more than one character and is quick enough to use from bash (directly or with an alias or function wrapper)

perl -E 'say join(shift, @ARGV)'  ', '   1 '2 3' 4
1, 2 3, 4

This one behaves like Perl join:


sticker() {
  delim=$1      # join delimiter
  oldIFS=$IFS   # save IFS, the field separator
  IFS=$oldIFS   # restore IFS
  echo $result

sticker , a b c d efg 

The above outputs:


For the immediate question, chepner's answer ("$*") is easiest, but as an example of how to do it accessing each argument in turn:

    for i in "$@"; do 
        str="$str $i"
    echo ${str# }

Check the bash man page for the entry for '*' under Special Parameters.

join () {
    echo "$*"