In IntelliJ on OS X, how do you clear out all global setting info, licensing etc. (external to any project)
Normally information like this will be found in one of the following places in OS X:
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/AppName
/Library/Application Support/AppName
If the app adheres to the standard OS X conventions you weill find info in one or all of these places. If it doesnt store here you might check for a /Users/username/.intellij
folder or something similar in your home directory
I just ran through this and here is the list of files that I had to delete for IntelliJ 13:
~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdea13
~/Library/Saved Application State/com.jetbrains.intellij.savedState
For AppCode (Objective C IDE) 1.0.4, on OSX, the path is: ~/Library/Preferences/appCode10