In Jest, how can I make a test fail?

You can do it by throwing an error. For example:

test('Obi-Wan Kenobi', () => {
  throw new Error('I have failed you, Anakin')

Copy/pasta failing test:

it('This test will fail', done => { Error('This is the error'))

Here are certain scenarios where some of the answers won't work. In a world of async-await, it is quite common to have try-catch logic like so.

try {
  await someOperation();
} catch (error) {

Now imagine if someOperation() somehow passed, but you were expecting it to fail, then this test will still pass because it never went to the catch block. So what we want is to make sure that the test fails if someOperation does not throw an error.

So now let's see which solutions will work and which won't.

Accepted answer won't work here because the throw will be catched again.

try {
  await someOperation();
  throw new Error('I have failed you, Anakin');
} catch (error) {
  console.log('It came here, and so will pass!');

The answer with true === false also won't work because, assertions too throw an error like above which will be catched.

try {
  await someOperation();
  expect(true).toBe(false); // This throws an error which will be catched.
} catch (error) {
  console.log('It came here, and so will pass!');

The one solution that DOES WORK (as shown in @WhatWouldBeCool's answer) for this case is below. Now it explicitly fails the test.

try {
  await someOperation();
  fail('It should not have come here!')
} catch (error) {
  console.log('It never came here!');

Update May-2022

The fail() function is not officially supported by Jest anymore. Instead, you can do a couple of things to fail explicitly.


You can wrap your promise function within expect and tell jest the function should reject with the given error. If the someOperation() somehow passes, jest will throw an error. If the someOperation() fails for any other reason other than the one you specified, it will throw an error. There are also different methods other than toThrowError() that you can use.

await expect(someOperation()).rejects.toThrowError('error!')


You can declare explicitly how many assertions you expect in your test. If that doesn't match because someOperation() never failed, jest would throw an error.


try {
  await someOperation();
} catch (error) {

Jest actually uses Jasmine, so you can use fail just like before.

Sample call:

fail('it should not reach here');

Here's the definition from the TypeScript declaration file for Jest:

declare function fail(error?: any): never;

If you know a particular call should fail you can use expect.

expect(() => functionExpectedToThrow(param1)).toThrow();
// or to test a specific error use
expect(() => functionExpectedToThrow(param1)).toThrowError();

See Jest docs for details on passing in a string, regex, or an Error object to test the expected error in the toThrowError method.

For an async call use .rejects

// returning the call
return expect(asyncFunctionExpectedToThrow(param1))
// or to specify the error message
// .rejects.toEqual('error message');

With async/await you need to mark the test function with async

it('should fail when calling functionX', async () => {
  await expect(asyncFunctionExpectedToThrow(param1))
  // or to specify the error message
  // .rejects.toEqual('error message');

See documentation on .rejects and in the tutorial.

Also please note that the Jasmine fail function may be removed in a future version of Jest, see Yohan Dahmani's comment. You may start using the expect method above or do a find and replace fail with throw new Error('it should not reach here'); as mentioned in other answers. If you prefer the conciseness and readability of fail you could always create your own function if the Jasmine one gets removed from Jest.

function fail(message) {
  throw new Error(message);