In Python, how can I detect whether the computer is on battery power?

If you want to do it without win32api, you can use the built-in ctypes module. I usually run CPython without win32api, so I kinda like these solutions.

It's a tiny bit more work for GetSystemPowerStatus() because you have to define the SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS structure, but not bad.

# Get power status of the system using ctypes to call GetSystemPowerStatus

import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes

class SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('ACLineStatus', wintypes.BYTE),
        ('BatteryFlag', wintypes.BYTE),
        ('BatteryLifePercent', wintypes.BYTE),
        ('Reserved1', wintypes.BYTE),
        ('BatteryLifeTime', wintypes.DWORD),
        ('BatteryFullLifeTime', wintypes.DWORD),


GetSystemPowerStatus = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetSystemPowerStatus
GetSystemPowerStatus.argtypes = [SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_P]
GetSystemPowerStatus.restype = wintypes.BOOL

if not GetSystemPowerStatus(ctypes.pointer(status)):
    raise ctypes.WinError()
print('ACLineStatus', status.ACLineStatus)
print('BatteryFlag', status.BatteryFlag)
print('BatteryLifePercent', status.BatteryLifePercent)
print('BatteryLifeTime', status.BatteryLifeTime)
print('BatteryFullLifeTime', status.BatteryFullLifeTime)

On my system that prints this (basically meaning "desktop, plugged in"):

ACLineStatus 1
BatteryFlag -128
BatteryLifePercent -1
BatteryLifeTime 4294967295
BatteryFullLifeTime 4294967295

The most reliable way to retrieve this information in C is by using GetSystemPowerStatus. If no battery is present ACLineStatus will be set to 128. psutil exposes this information under Linux, Windows and FreeBSD, so to check if battery is present you can do this

>>> import psutil
>>> has_battery = psutil.sensors_battery() is not None

If a battery is present and you want to know whether the power cable is plugged in you can do this:

>>> import psutil
>>> psutil.sensors_battery()
sbattery(percent=99, secsleft=20308, power_plugged=True)
>>> psutil.sensors_battery().power_plugged