In Python, why is list[] automatically global?

You only need to use global if you are assigning to the global name. Without global, an assignment creates a new local.

There's nothing special about how global applies to a list—global simply influences scope and name resolution.

It isn't automatically global.

However, there's a difference between rep_i=1 and rep_lst[0]=1 - the former rebinds the name rep_i, so global is needed to prevent creation of a local slot of the same name. In the latter case, you're just modifying an existing, global object, which is found by regular name lookup (changing a list entry is like calling a member function on the list, it's not a name rebinding).

To test it out, try assigning rep_lst=[] in test2 (i.e. set it to a fresh list). Unless you declare rep_lst global, the effects won't be visible outside test2 because a local slot of the same name is created and shadows the global slot.