In SpecFlow how can I share data between steps/features?

I have a helper class which lets me write

Current<Page>.Value = pageObject;

which is a wrapper over the ScenarioContext. It works off the type name, so it would need to be extended a bit if you need to access two variables of the same type

 public static class Current<T> where T : class
     internal static T Value 
         get { 
               return ScenarioContext.Current.ContainsKey(typeof(T).FullName)
               ? ScenarioContext.Current[typeof(T).FullName] as T : null;
         set { ScenarioContext.Current[typeof(T).FullName] = value; }

2019 edit: I would use @JoeT's answer nowadays, it looks like you get the same benefits without needing to define an extension

In SpecFlow 1.3 there are three methods:

  1. static members
  2. ScenarioContext
  3. ContextInjection


  1. static members are very pragmatic and in this case not so evil as we as developers might first think (there is no threading or need for mocking/replacing in step-definitions)

  2. See answer from @Si Keep in this thread

  3. If the constructor of a step definition class needs arguments, Specflow tries to inject these arguments. This can be used to inject the same context into several step-definitions.

    See an example here:

Use the ScenarioContext class which is a dictionary that is common to all the steps.

ScenarioContext.Current.Add("ActionResult", actionResult);
var actionResult = (ActionResult) ScenarioContext.Current["ActionResult"];


