In this kata you have to create all permutations of an input string and remove duplicates, if present. This means, you have to shuffle all letters from the input in all possible orders. code example

Example 1: You will be provided a file path for input I, a file path for output O, a string S, and a string T. Read the contents of I, replacing each occurrence of S with T and write the resulting information to file O. You should replace O if it already exists.

# You will be provided a file path for input I, a file path for output O, a string S, and a string T.
# Read the contents of I, replacing each occurrence of S with T and write the resulting information to file O.
# You should replace O if it already exists.

file1 = open(I, 'r')
Icontent =
editedData = Icontent.replace(S, T)
file2 = open(O, 'w')

Example 2: javascript check if is array

var colors=["red","green","blue"];

    //colors is an array


Php Example