Including symbols in array

Don't iterate over control sequences. Instead build them from their names using \csname ... \endcsname:

% without using an array and pgfmathparse
\foreach \i in {mercury, venus,mars,jupiter,saturn,uranus,neptune}{

% using the array
\foreach \i in {0,...,6}{


output of code

The planet symbol commands don't survive \edef, which is performed when \planets[\i] is evaluated.

You can avoid the problem by defining \planets with \noexpand in front of each item:




\foreach \i in {0,...,6}{\pgfmathparse{\planets[\i]}\pgfmathresult{} - }


enter image description here

However, if your aim is to be able to refer to a planet by its number, I suggest a different approach. The indexing starts at 1.


  \tl_item:nn { \mercury\venus\mars\jupiter\saturn\uranus\neptune } { #1 }


\foreach \i in {1,...,7}{\planet{\i} - }

