Increase size of square brackets

There's a workaround for the brackets size: use \bigtrut[t] in a cell of the first row and \bigstrut[b] in the last row. I added a simplication of the code for the first column, using the BAenum row counter defined by the package Last, I removed the unnecessary colon after the figure label, since there's no caption text.

\usepackage{blkarray, bigstrut}



\begin{figure}[htbp]\bigstrutjot=1ex \captionsetup{labelsep=none, skip=0pt}
    \[ \mathbf{\widehat R }=\begin{blockarray}{r*{5}{ >{\color{black}}c}}
    & A & B & C & D & E \\\noalign{\setcounter{BAenumi}{1}}
    \begin{block}{ >{\scriptstyle\theBAenumi}r!{\,}[ccccc]}
    & 5 & 3.09 & 4.90 & - & \mathbf{4.62}\bigstrut[t] \\
    & - & 2.89 & 4.69 & \mathbf{3.49} & 4.42 \\
    & 4.10 & 2.19 & - & \mathbf{2.78} & 3.71 \\
    & - & \mathbf{1.00} & 2.49 & 1.29 & 2.22 \\
    & 4.90 & - & \mathbf{4.79} & 3.58 & 4.51 \\
    & \mathbf{4.88} & 2.96 & - & 3.56 & 4.48 \\
    & 3.15 & \mathbf{1.23} & 3.03 & 1.82 & - \\
    & 4.84 & \mathbf{2.92} & 4.72 & - & 4.61 \\
    & \mathbf{4.84} & 2.92 & 4.72 & 3.51 & - \\
    & \mathbf{4.61} & - & 4.49 & 3.29 & 4.22 \bigstrut[b]\\
    \end{blockarray} \]%


enter image description here

In my opinion, increasing the total height of the square brackets should be the least of your (typographic) priorities. I'd focus most (all?) of my energy on telling TeX to use the regular-bold rather than (default) bold-extended font weight for the numbers in the five data columns. I would also expend some energy on increasing the horizontal separation between the tall [ and ] symbols and the columns they enclose. In the code shown below, that's accomplished with the >{\,} and <{\,} particles.

Oh, and don't use a spacing environment inside a display-math setting. If you absolutely, positively must shrink the distance between rows, reset the parameter \arraystretch to a value less than 1. In the example shown below, I use a value of 0.5 -- which, in my opinion, is much too small. Do try something like 0.8 or 0.9 instead.

enter image description here


\renewcommand{\bfdefault}{b}   % use bold, not bold-extended
\renewcommand\arraystretch{.5} % choose a suitable factor
\begin{blockarray}{@{} r *{5}{c} }
      & A & B & C & D & E \\
    \begin{block}{@{} >{\scriptscriptstyle}r [>{\,}ccccc<{\,}] }
    1 & 5.00 & 3.09  & 4.90 & - & \textbf{4.62} \\
    2 & - & 2.89 & 4.69  & \textbf{3.49} & 4.42 \\
    3 & 4.10 & 2.19 & - & \textbf{2.78}  & 3.71 \\ 
    4 & - & \textbf{1.00} & 2.49 & 1.29  & 2.22 \\
    5 & 4.90 & - & \textbf{4.79} & 3.58  & 4.51 \\
    6 & \textbf{4.88} & 2.96 & - & 3.56  & 4.48 \\
    7 & 3.15 & \textbf{1.23} & 3.03 & 1.82 & -  \\
    8 & 4.84 & \textbf{2.92} & 4.72 & -  & 4.61 \\
    9 & \textbf{4.84} & 2.92 & 4.72 & 3.51 & -  \\ 
    10& \textbf{4.61} & - & 4.49 & 3.29  & 4.22 \\

You could consider using kbordermatrix:

enter image description here




  \renewcommand{\bfdefault}{b}   % use bold, not bold-extended
  \widehat{\mathbf{R}} = 
       &   A  &   B  &   C  & D & E \\
    1  & 5.00 & 3.09 & 4.90 & - & \textbf{4.62}  \\
    2  & - & 2.89 & 4.69  & \textbf{3.49} & 4.42 \\
    3  & 4.10 & 2.19 & - & \textbf{2.78}  & 3.71 \\
    4  & - & \textbf{1.00} & 2.49 & 1.29  & 2.22 \\
    5  & 4.90 & - & \textbf{4.79} & 3.58  & 4.51 \\
    6  & \textbf{4.88} & 2.96 & - & 3.56  & 4.48 \\
    7  & 3.15 & \textbf{1.23} & 3.03 & 1.82 & -  \\
    8  & 4.84 & \textbf{2.92} & 4.72 & -  & 4.61 \\
    9  & \textbf{4.84} & 2.92 & 4.72 & 3.51 & -  \\
    10 & \textbf{4.61} & - & 4.49 & 3.29  & 4.22


The above code is taken partially from Mico's answer.

