Increase the Jenkins login timeout

As of Jenkins version 2.107.2 you'll want to include sessionEviction

For example to keep people logged in for 24 hours and 12 hours of inactivity:

--sessionTimeout=1440 --sessionEviction=43200

If you don't specify sessionEviction people who close the tab will get logged out after 30 minutes.

Jenkins uses Jetty, and Jetty's default timeout is 30 minutes. This is independent of authentication settings -- I use Active Directory but it's still this setting that affects timeouts.

You can override the timeout by passing an argument --sessionTimeout=<minutes> to the Jenkins init script, or -DsessionTimeout=<minutes> to the .war file. For example:

# Set the session timeout to 1 week
$ java -jar jenkins.war --sessionTimeout=10080

Alternatively, you can edit Jenkins' <jenkinsHome>/.jenkins/war/WEB-INF/web.xml and add explicitly set it:

  <!-- one hour -->

According to Oracle's docs you can set this to 0 to disable timeouts altogether.

To find out the current value for timeouts, you can use the Groovy console provided in Jenkins:

import org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler;
Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval() / 60

On my instance, this shows Result: 30.


