Incrementing Pointers


is equivalent to


so it increments the pointer, not the dereferenced value.

You may see this from time to time in string copy implementations like

    *target++ = *source++;

Since your problem is a matter of operator precedence, if you want to deref the pointer, and then increment, you can use parens:


 *ptr++; - increment pointer and dereference old pointer value

It's equivalent to:

*(ptr_p++) - increment pointer and dereference old pointer value

Here is how increment the value

(*ptr)++; - increment value

That's becuase ++ has greater precedence than *, but you can control the precedence using ()

++ operator precedence is higher than *d dereference.

What you write is actually


However you should use


In the Second program you are not increasing the the content at the pPointer address, but you are increasing the pointer. So suppose here if the pPointer value(memmory location allocated to iTuna) is 1000 then it will increase the location to 1000+2(int size)=1002 not the content to 1+1=2. And In the above program you are accessing the pointer location contents. Thats why you are not getting the expected results