Indeterminate checkbox in React JSX

You can use the componentDidMount step (which is invoked after the initial rendering) to set that property:

componentDidMount() {
    React.findDOMNode(this).indeterminate = this.props.state === "indeterminate";

If you want that property to be updated with subsequent renders, do the same thing in componentDidUpdate also.

I would probably create a composite component that encapsulates the necessary hooks to set or unset the checkbox's indeterminate property. It looks like you're using ES2015 syntax, so I'll use some of those features here.

class IndeterminateCheckbox extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    if (this.props.indeterminate === true) {

  componentDidUpdate(previousProps) {
    if (previousProps.indeterminate !== this.props.indeterminate) {

  _setIndeterminate(indeterminate) {
    const node = React.findDOMNode(this);
    node.indeterminate = indeterminate;

  render() {
    const { indeterminate, type, ...props } = this.props;
    return <input type="checkbox" {...props} />;

// elsewhere

render() {
  return <IndeterminateCheckbox
           checked={this.props.state === "checked"} 
           indeterminate={this.props.state === "indeterminate"} />

Working example:,output

You can also use the ref function directly:

      ref={input => {
        if (input) {
          input.indeterminate = true;
    {' '}
    Un test
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