2 Different Background Colours For ScrollView bounce
On iOS, you can render a spacer View
on top of the ScrollView
, and use contentInset
to render it "off-screen", contentOffset
to set the initial scroll position to offset the inset:
render() {
const isIos = Platform.OS === 'ios'
const SPACER_SIZE = 1000; //arbitrary size
const TOP_COLOR = 'white';
const BOTTOM_COLOR = 'papayawhip';
return (
style={{backgroundColor: isIos ? BOTTOM_COLOR : TOP_COLOR }}
contentContainerStyle={{backgroundColor: TOP_COLOR}}
contentInset={{top: -SPACER_SIZE}}
contentOffset={{y: SPACER_SIZE}}>
{isIos && <View style={{height: SPACER_SIZE}} />}
//...your content here
Because contentInset
and contentOffset
are iOS only, this example is conditioned to degrade gracefully on Android.
I wouldn't play with the contentInset
and contentOffset
of the ScrollView as if your content changes, it might change the position of your scrollview.
You can do something very simple by just adding a View at the very top of your ScrollView:
// const spacerHeight = 1000;
{Platform.OS === 'ios' && (
backgroundColor: 'red',
height: spacerHeight,
position: 'absolute',
top: -spacerHeight,
left: 0,
right: 0,