A better notation to denote arcs for an American high school textbook

tipa's \texttoptiebar looks useable:

enter image description here

\usepackage{graphicx,tipa}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{graphicx,tipa}
\arc{AC}\ \arc{BAD}\ \arc{ICK}\ \arc{GOOD}

A solution along the lines of Werner's, but that avoids its shortcomings, first of all the dependency on tipa:






$\arc{AC}$ $\arc{BAD}$ $\arc{ICK}$ $\arc{GOOD}_{\arc{xyz}}$


enter image description here

A different solution with the yhmath font:




$\wideparen{AC}$ $\wideparen{BAD}$ $\wideparen{ICK}$ $\wideparen{GOOD}_{\wideparen{xyz}}$


enter image description here