A summary command for statistics

Even if there wasn't one, there is one now: I think you've just written it yourself :-)

summary[dset_] := Through[{Min, Quantile[#, .25] &, Median, Quantile[#, .75] &, Max}[dset]]

data = RandomInteger[{0, 100}, 100];

(* Out: {0, 18, 91/2, 66, 98} *)

On 2019-10-02 the resource function "RecordsSummary" was published at the Wolfram Function Repository.

Here is usage example (from the resource function page):

Block[{n = 200}, 
  arr = Flatten /@ 
    Transpose[{RandomReal[{-10, 10}, {n, 2}], 
       RandomChoice[CharacterRange["A", "Z"], {n, 2}], {All, 2}], 
      RandomChoice[{E, I, \[CapitalGamma]}, n]}]];


enter image description here

First answer (2016-02-25)

Some time ago I programmed such a function, RecordsSummary, inspired by R's summary. Here is an example of its usage: Census data summary .

As the name implies, it is assumed that we have a list of records, all with the same length, and we want the columns to be summarized. (Each record is a row.)

You can get the package MathematicaForPredictionUtilities.m from MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub or simply run this command:


Let us create random data.

data = RandomInteger[{0, 100}, 100];
dataCat = RandomChoice[Characters["azbuka"], 100];
data2 = RandomInteger[{0, 100}, {100, 4}];

Here are examples of using RecordsSummary over the created data.

1. Call on a 1D array:

RecordsSummary[ data ]

2. Summary of a 2D numeric array. The columns are named automatically.


RecordsSummary output for 2D numerical array

3. Fancy output of numerical and categorical data summary. The column names are the second argument given to RecordsSummary.

   Transpose[{N[data], dataCat}], {"Numeric", "Categorical"}]}, 
 Alignment -> Top, Dividers -> All]

RecordsSummary output for numerical and categorical data