AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: '<AppId>'
I had a similar problem with a .NET 4.6.1 web application. I had to configure the Reply URL for my app in azure similar to the accepted answer, however the callback url was different.
Select Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> <your app>
Select Settings -> Reply URLs
Add your apps URL + '/.auth/login/aad/callback'
For Example:
You can refer to this Sample to rebuild your .NET core App and publish to the Azure.
There are some NOTES you need to pay attention to :
you need to change the port from 5000 to the effective one. Currently, it should be 61659. So, when you do a test in your localhost, you can set the reply URL in the AAD App with
Update these URLs if you configure the app for production use or If you publish the App to Azure Web App, you should change the Reply URL in both App config file and AAD Application to be
For example, https://www.contoso.com/signin-oidc
or https://Myapp.azurewebsites.net/signout-oidc