Abbreviation list align left with space between

The easiest way to me seems to be to load enumitem and define a new list:


\setlength\myitemwidth{5em} % <<< choose what you need here
  labelindent = 0pt ,
  labelsep    = 0pt ,
  leftmargin  = \myitemwidth ,
  labelwidth  = \myitemwidth ,
  itemindent  = 0pt ,
  format      = \normalfont

and then tell acro to use this list:

  list = myacronymlist
\acsetup{ list-style = myliststyle }

Versions prior to v2.2 use the deprecated option list-type:

\acsetup{ list-type = myacronymlist }

The complete example:



\setlength\myitemwidth{5em} % <<< choose what you need here
  labelindent = 0pt ,
  labelsep    = 0pt ,
  leftmargin  = \myitemwidth ,
  labelwidth  = \myitemwidth ,
  itemindent  = 0pt ,
  format      = \normalfont

  list = myacronymlist
\acsetup{ list-style = myliststyle }

  short = IoT ,
  long  = Internet of Things ,
  class = abbrev

  short = DBMS ,
  long  = Database Management System ,
  class = abbrev




enter image description here

For version 3 of acro the fastest adaption of the above code would be



otherwise using the same definitions as above. This changes the default list template. One could define a custom template which does the same:




In order to run without warnings with version 3, class should be replaced by tag in the acronym definitions and include-classes should become include in the list setup:



\setlength\myitemwidth{5em} % <<< choose what you need here
  labelindent = 0pt ,
  labelsep    = 0pt ,
  leftmargin  = \myitemwidth ,
  labelwidth  = \myitemwidth ,
  itemindent  = 0pt ,
  format      = \normalfont



  short = IoT ,
  long  = Internet of Things ,
  tag   = abbrev

  short = DBMS ,
  long  = Database Management System ,
  tag   = abbrev




I introduce the leftitemize environment, that places its labels in a 2cm wide left-aligned box (in bold). The labels are aligned with the enclosing environment margin.

\noindent Here is my left margin
\item[FFT] Fast Fourier Transform
\item[GPRS] General Packet Radio Services xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

enter image description here