Access key ID and Secret Access Key for AWS Educate account

I think it's better to create a personal account and use the free tier. This is a better way for education pupose. AWS Educate account has limited access, you can't create users with keys, the root user can't create buckets from scripts, etc.

1) Go to Vocareum. This is kinda the main page of your student AWS account.

2) Find the blue button Account Details, click it - profit!

From vocareum main page > Account details > AWS CLI > Show Copy and paste the CLI details into '~/.aws/credentials' for mac and 'C:/users/%UserProfile%/.aws/credentials' for windows.


'region' is not present in AWS CLI details from Vocareum. So please don't forget to add it. You can specify any region.

If you want to verify your details add 'output = json' along with the above details in your credentials file and run the command 'aws sts get-caller-identity'. It will display your Account ID, User ID and ARN.

To check if your CLI is working, you can try to connect to S3 bucket using aws s3 ls