Accessing C++ QLists from QML

I came across this question while trying to fix a similar problem, where I wanted to use C++ code as a model source in QML. The answer given by TheBootroo pointed me in the right direction, but did not work fully for me. I do not have enough reputation to answer him directly (but I did upvote his answer).

I am using Qt 5.0.0 I found this link very helpful

The definition of ThingManager should be changed as follows

class ThingManager : public QObject
    Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> things READ getThings NOTIFY thingsChanged)

    QList<QObject*> getThings () const { return m_things; }

    void thingsChanged ();

    QList<QObject*> m_things;

Note that I changed the return type of getThings to a QList<QObject*>. Without this change, Qt warns that it is "Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QList<Thing*>'".

In the QML code, the properties of Thing can be accessed through the model as model.modelData.size and

Alternatively, You can use QVariantList (QList<QVariant>), it will automatically change to JavaScript array when passed to QML, and it is read and write-able from C++ and QML