Add a druid cluster as a SQL database in Apache Superset

Follow the steps below

  1. You need to use latest version of pydruid for enabling sqlalchemy support. For me pydruid 0.4.1 is working fine.

  2. On Superset, in the Databases section you need to provide the SQLAlchemy URI druid://XX.XX:8082/druid/v2/sql/using a broker ip/host.

  3. Third thing you need to do is to enable druid.sql.enable=true on broker.

I hope this will help you.

i was really struggling with this one... in my case, i am running on my mac. druid is installed directly and superset is running in docker (using the docker-compose setup).

the key is that localhost in the superset docker container doesn't point at the host, but instead at the docker container.

when i changed the superset datasource to this, it worked...
