Add a new file in Intellij doesn't add to subversion

Go to File -> Settings -> Version control -> Confirmation -> When files are created You're probably looking for "Add silently".

Note: In IntelliJ 6 or earlier versions this is done with File -> Settings -> Version control -> General Settings -> Add silently

If you've come here and the solution by Bozhidar Batsov doesn't solve the issue you may need to change the svn:global-ingnores in SVN Properties for the project.

Right click on the project go to Subversion | Set Property.... In the drop down select svn:global-ingores. Remove * from the list and hit OK.

SVN Properties: Set Property

SVN Properties: Property Element to Delete

Simple Shortcut key does the work:

Select all the unversioned files that you wish to add in SVN and CTRL + ALT + A