Add argparse arguments from external modules

Without trying to fully understand your module structure, I think you want to be able to provide the arguments to a add_argument call as objects that you can import.

You could, for example, provide a list of positional arguments, and dictionary of keyword arguments:

kwargs={'type':int, 'nargs':'*', 'help':'this is a help line'}

parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)


usage: ipython [-h] [-f [FOO [FOO ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f [FOO [FOO ...]], --foo [FOO [FOO ...]]
                        this is a help line

In, the add_argument method (of a super class of ArgumentParser), has this general signature

def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):

The code of this method manipulates these arguments, adds the args to the kwargs, adds default values, and eventually passes kwargs to the appropriate Action class, returning the new action. (It also 'registers' the action with the parser or subparser). It's the __init__ of the Action subclasses that lists the arguments and their default values.

I would just return an ArgumentParser instance from your get_args method. Then you can create a new ArgumentParser to join all other argument parsers using the parents argument: