Add background image in Bootstrap row

When you want to add a background image, <img> is not the way to go. Use the background-image property.

  <div class="container">
    <div class="row" 
         style="background:transparent url('img/profile.png') no-repeat center center /cover">
      <div class="col-lg-12">
        <div class="intro-text">
          <span class="name">HEADING</span>
          <hr class="star-light">
          <span class="skills">TEXT</span>

Please note that adding inline style is not recommended, I used it demonstrative here. The proper way to style your div would be to add a specific class or an ID to it and style it inside your CSS files.

In the snippet above I used the background shorthand property to set the background-image. This shorthand allows setting background color, image, repeat, origin, clip, position and size in a single declaration. You can skip any of them, but size must be prefixed with a / and come right after position.