Add GitLab Web hook for all projects in group
That's possible in the enterprise version only:
In GitLab Enterprise Edition you can configure web hooks globally for the whole group. You can add the group level web hooks on the group settings page Settings > Web Hooks.
Following up on @VertigoRay's comments, here's a procedure to do it using GitLab CE API:
Have, or create an user in GitLab and a personal access token with api
- User (top right avatar) > Settings (menu) > Access tokens (sidebar)
- Check
scope (checkbox) - Click on create personal access token (button)
- <my_personal_token> is the value in Your New Personal Access Token (text field)
Perform an HTTP request to get all projects:
Private-Token: <my_personal_token>
Accept: application/json
For each project in the response:
- id which is the <project_ID> to be used in the next request URL
- Convert the value of ssh_url_to_repo so that it becomes URL encoded <encoded_ssh_url>
- Example:
ssh://[email protected]:1234/group/alpha.git
- Example:
For each project, perform an HTTP request to create a hook:
Private-Token: <my_personal_token>
Content-Type: application/json
"url": "<encoded_ssh_url>",
"enable_ssl_verification": true
This should be scripted in the langage of your choice.