Add lists with unequal lengths together to create a matrix

I don't have a free kernel to try your question on, so here's a smaller generalized approach that I could construct in my head. In the end, I'll mention how you can adapt it to yours.

First, consider a non-rectangular list similar to yours:

list = {{{1, a}, {2, b}}, 
        {{3, a}, {2, c}, {4, f}}, 
        {{3, b}, {6, f}, {4, c}, {5, e}}};

The output expected here is a 3x6 matrix with each column corresponding to the unique elements and each row having the corresponding element or zero. Obtaining the unique elements and constructing a larger matrix, as the following, we get:

With[{un = Union@Flatten@list[[All, All, 1]]},
    (un /. Rule@@@#&)/@list /. _Integer -> 0

(* Out[1] = {{a, b, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
             {0, c, a, f, 0, 0}, 
             {0, 0, b, c, e, f}} 

which, I believe, is what you want. If you want the first row to be the list of unique elements, simply join un with the rest as:

With[{un = Union@Flatten@list[[All, All, 1]]},
    {un} ~Join~ ((un /. Rule@@@#&)/@list /. _Integer -> 0)

(* Out[2]= {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, 
            {a, b, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
            {0, c, a, f, 0, 0}, 
            {0, 0, b, c, e, f}} 

Now the only change that's required for this to work on your data is to use _SQLDateTime instead of _Integer in the With construct above.

This is based on SparseArray, like rcollyer's answer, but it's a one-liner since everything can by done by Applying Rule at the proper level and then using PadRight to turn a ragged array into a rectangular one. Let

list = {{{1, a}, {2, b}}, 
        {{3, a}, {2, c}, {4, f}}, 
        {{3, b}, {6, f}, {4, c}, {5, e}}};


PadRight[Normal /@ SparseArray /@ (Apply[Rule, list, {2}])]
{{a, b, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
 {0, c, a, f, 0, 0}, 
 {0, 0, b, c, e, f}}

EDIT to add: Of course, the real trick is getting the first row right, like @rcollyer points out in the comments below. It's possible to extend this solution in a manner similar to the one in R.M.'s answer, but I'm not sure how much that wins you:

Pillsy`Rectangularize[lists : {___List}] := 
 With[{columns = Union@Cases[lists, {n_, _} :> n, {2}]},
   PadRight[Normal /@ SparseArray /@
      (lists /. 
        MapThread[{#1, v_} :> (#2 -> v) &, {columns, 

I tested the function with the following:

namedList = list /. Thread[Range[6] -> CharacterRange["A", "F"]]
{{{"A", a}, {"B", b}}, 
 {{"C", a}, {"B", c}, {"D", f}}, 
 {{"C", b}, {"F", f}, {"D", c}, {"E", e}}}
{{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, 
 {a, b, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
 {0, c, a, f, 0, 0}, 
 {0, 0, b, c, e, f}}

I did come up with a totally different solution based on Ordering and DeleteDuplicates which I kind of like:

Pillsy`AnotherRectangularize[lists_] :=
 With[{columns = Union @@ lists[[All, All, 1]]},
   Part[PadRight[#[[All, -1]], Length@columns],
      Ordering@DeleteDuplicates[#[[All, 1]]~Join~columns]] & /@ lists,

Much belated EDIT, using Association functionality:

Pillsy`Rectangularize[lists : {{{_, _} ...} ..}] :=
 Transpose@KeyValueMap[Prepend[#2, #1] &]@
    KeyUnion[Map[Transpose /* Apply[AssociationThread], lists], 0 &],

Here is an alternative method based upon Reap and Sow.

  Sow[#2[[1]] -> #1[[2]], First@#1] &, 
  list, {2}  (* <-- Note level specifier *)
 ], _, 
 Flatten@{#1, Normal@SparseArray[#2, Length@list]} &][[2]] // 
SortBy[#, First] & // Transpose

If you are not familiar with these two functions, Sow tags each item you indicate and Reap organizes the items by each tag. Among the advantages of Reap and Sow over GatherBy is the ability to simultaneously transform each item while tagging it with one of its original properties. Here I take advantage of this by using MapIndexed to tag each datum with its first element (second parameter in Sow) while associating the second element of the datum with the index of its data set. (This is done by using the {2} as the level specifier.) For example,

MapIndexed[#2[[1]]->#1[[2]], list, {2}]


list = {
        {{1, a}, {2, b}}, 
        {{3, a}, {2, c}, {4, f}}, 
        {{3, b}, {6, f}, {4, c}, {5, e}}


{{1 -> a, 1 -> b}, 
 {2 -> a, 2 -> c, 2 -> f}, 
 {3 -> b, 3 -> f, 3 -> c, 3 -> e}}

By creating the association with the data set index, we are marking which row it will end up in after Reap collects them. Reap allows us to specify an additional transformation taking 2 parameters the tag and a list of items with that tag as its third argument. For example,

Reap[MapIndexed[Sow[#2[[1]] -> #1[[-1]], First@#1] &, list, {2}], 
 _, Rule][[2]]

using list from above gives

{1 -> {1 -> a}, 
 2 -> {1 -> b, 2 -> c}, 
 3 -> {2 -> a, 3 -> b}, 
 4 -> {2 -> f, 3 -> c}, 
 6 -> {3 -> f}, 5 -> {3 -> e}}

As you can see, this has collected the data according to the first element of each datum while retaining information about which dataset it belongs to.

Since the tagged data has the form, {_Integer -> value ..}, we can use SparseArray to generate each row while automatically filling in the empty spaces with 0. This is what I do with

Flatten@{#1, Normal@SparseArray[#2, Length@list]} &

as the third parameter.

Then, I just SortBy the First element of each sub-list, and Transpose it into its final form

{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, 
 {a, b, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
 {0, c, a, f, 0, 0}, 
 {0, 0, b, c, e, f}}

As to the specific dataset involving SQLDateTime, it appears that SQLDateTime contains a full date-time stamp. It is unlikely that any two datum will have the same date-time stamp, so if you want to gather within a full day only, change

Sow[#2[[1]] -> #1[[2]], First@#1] &


Sow[#2[[1]] -> #1[[2]], { #1[[1, ;;3]] } ] &

where #1[[1, ;;3]] only extracts what appears to be the date part of SQLDateTime. This could be extended to include hours or even minutes by changing ;;3 to ;;4 or ;;5, respectively. Note, I wrapped the tag in an extra set of braces so that the entire date is considered a tag, and not a collection of individual tags.