Add Property to Object that is returned by Sequelize FindOne

The Sequelize Model class (of which your cats are instances) has a toJSON() method which res.json will presumably use to serialise your cats. The method returns the result of Model#get() (, which only uses attributes defined on the model. If you want to be able to set the cats name, but not store names in the DB, you can use a virtual column when defining your cat model:

sequelize.define('Cat', {
  // [other columns here...]
  name: Sequelize.VIRTUAL

Alternatively, if you don't want to add properties to the model definition:

cat = cat.toJSON(); // actually returns a plain object, not a JSON string = 'Macavity';

The following works for sequelize v4.

const order = Order.findOne(criteria);
order.setDataValue('additionalProperty', 'some value');

Hope this helps. It's a bit late but in case people are still looking for answers.