ADODBCould not load type 'ADODB.FieldsToInternalFieldsMarshaler' from assembly

See what I found on this question here. I referenced yours, but still couldn't get the ADODB to work.

Little one to add:

SolutionExplorer --> View All Files. For ADODB: - Embed... = False; - Copy Local = True.

It's on the individual references - not in the project properties. In the solution explorer window, open "References" (under the project), and click on the reference in question. The properties window will have an option for Embed Interop Types (for each reference).

In Visual BAsic 2010:

To turn off Embed Interop Types:

Project menu > Show All Files, Solution Explorer: > References: > ADODB > Embed Interof types = False. Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access > Embed Interof types = False

You will now be able to publish and also ADODB will appear in the: Project Menu > Project Properties… Publish TAB > Application Files


Solution Explorer --> Show all files (Menu Item) --> Referances --> Adodb -->(properties) -->Embed Interop Types --> False.


