Align equations within one column

Unless you need a caption, you can obtain the desired layout without a table. Only alignedat, and a shorter code with the spreadlines environment from mathtools:




\enspace & \text{Conversion} & &\phantom{ = }\hspace{1.5em}\text{Formula} \\
 & \text{RR to OR} & \hskip 4.8cm\mbox{OR} & = \cfrac{1-\mathrm{p}_{\textit{non-exposed }}}{1-\mathrm{p}_{\textit{exposed}}}\enspace \\
 &\text{d to OR} & \mbox{OR} & = \exp\biggl(\mathrm{d} \cfrac{\pi}{\sqrt{3}}\biggr) \\
 & \text{r to d} & \mbox{d} & = \cfrac{2\mathrm{r}}{\sqrt{1-\mathrm{r}^2}} \\
 & \text{g to d} & \mbox{d} & = \cfrac{1}{\mathrm{J \left(df \right)}} \times \mathrm{g} \\


enter image description here

Well, one possibility is to change second column c to use three columns rcl and divide your formula into three parts: left part of formula, =, right part of formula.

Please see the following mwe




\begin{tabular}{l@{\hskip 4.8cm} rcl} % <===============================

\multicolumn{1}{l}{Conversion} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Formula} \\ % <=====

RR to OR & $\mbox{OR}$ & = & $\cfrac{1-\mbox{p}_{\mbox{\textit{non-exposed}}}}{1-\mbox{p}_{\mbox{\textit{exposed}}}}$ \\ \addlinespace[0.5cm] % <================================
d to OR  & $\mbox{OR}$ & = & $\exp(\mbox{d} \cfrac{\pi}{\sqrt{3}})$ \\ \addlinespace[0.5cm]
r to d   & $\mbox{d}$  & = & $\cfrac{2\mbox{r}}{\sqrt{1-\mbox{r}^2}} $ \\ \addlinespace[0.5cm]
g to d   & $\mbox{d}$  & = & $\cfrac{1}{\mbox{J} \left( \mbox{df} \right)} \times \mbox{g} $ \\
%                   ^^^^^^^^^^  <=======================================



and its result:

resulting pdf