Align Symbols in Nodes Circuitikz

This is a possible answer. (Disclaimer: this is guess work.) If you increase 2.5em the ampersand will get lifted even more.

\ctikzset{tripoles/european not symbol=ieee circle,
tripoles/european nand port/height=1.1}
\ctikzset{tripoles/port height/.code={\ctikzset{tripoles/european and port/height=#1,
tripoles/european nand port/height=#1,
tripoles/european or port/height=#1,
tripoles/european nor port/height=#1,
tripoles/european not port/height=#1}}}
    \begin{circuitikz}[circuitikz/tripoles/port height=0.9] 
                \draw node[nand port,align=left](){};

enter image description here

Another option with which you do not have to guess an argument of a \raisebox is to employ the append after command key and let TikZ place the ampersand.

\ctikzset{tripoles/european not symbol=ieee circle,
tripoles/european nand port/height=1.1}
\ctikzset{tripoles/port height/.code={\ctikzset{tripoles/european and port/height=#1,
tripoles/european nand port/height=#1,
tripoles/european or port/height=#1,
tripoles/european nor port/height=#1,
tripoles/european not port/height=#1}}}
\tikzset{nand port/.append style={append after command={
(\tikzlastnode.north) node[below]{\&}}}}
    \begin{circuitikz}[circuitikz/tripoles/port height=0.9] 
                \draw node[nand port,align=left](){};

You can patch the definition of the european ports with a different text definition, and then re-issue the declarations. You need to re-declare all the heights, yes --- this is a historical thing for circuitikz, and I'd like to change it (using a default per-class and possible override), but it's a quite long thing and error-prone...

To change everything you can do this:

\usepackage[european, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
\pgftext[y=\pgf@circ@res@up-4pt, top]{#2}
}{\typeout{Patching OK}}{\typeout{Patching failed}}
% fast change-all macro
\ctikzset{european ports height/.style={%
    % height change
    tripoles/european and port/height=#1,
    tripoles/european or port/height=#1,
    tripoles/european xor port/height=#1,
    tripoles/european not port/height=#1,
    tripoles/european buffer port/height=#1,
    tripoles/european nand port/height=#1,
    tripoles/european xor port/height=#1,
    tripoles/european xnor port/height=#1
% redefine the ports
\pgfcircdeclareeurologicport{or}{$\ge 1$}{\pgf@circ@res@count}{}
\pgfcircdeclareeurologicport{nor}{$\ge 1$}{\pgf@circ@res@count}{not}
    logic ports origin=center,
    european ports height=1.1,
    tripoles/european not symbol=ieee circle,
        \draw (0,0) node[nand port,align=left](){};
        \draw (2,0) node[nand port,align=left, rotate=90](){};

enter image description here

Notice however that European sorts are not thought to be used vertically, because the symbol does not rotate. That can be adjusted too, if needed; if you change the patch command to:

\pgftext[y=\pgf@circ@res@up-8pt, rotate=\rot]{#2}
}{\typeout{Patching OK}}{\typeout{Patching failed}}

and the body to:

 \draw (0,0) node[nand port,align=left](){};
 \draw (2,0) node[nand port,align=left, rotate=90](){};
 \draw (4,0) node[nand port,align=left, rotate=-90](){};
 \draw (6,0) node[nand port,align=left, rotate=45](){};

you'll have:

enter image description here

This is not optimal because you have to hand-adjust the 8pt over there depending on the font size, but it works...