Aligning problem

Another option is to use the tabbing environment:

\usepackage[a4paper, left=2.5cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}

% need this for Croatian letters

\pagestyle{empty}       % neither header nor footer is shown



% customizing lists
% stops paragraphs (section titles) being indented

{\huge JOHN DOE}

Long street 50\\12345 Town\\Country\\
Mobile:\ \= +123 45 678 9012 \\
Phone:\> +123 4 5678 901 \\
Email:\> \texttt{[email protected]}


enter image description here

Notice that I removed the spurious blank space after the first \end{minipage} to prevent an overfull \hbox.

Use the tabular environment:

\begin{tabular}[t]{l@{ }l}
  Mobile:&+123 45 678 9012\\
  Phone:&+123 4 5678 901\\
  Email:&\texttt{[email protected]}

[t] for top alignment of the environment, @{ } for just a bit of space (the default column separation seems too much to me).