Altering database tables in Django

One good way to do this is via fixtures, particularly the initial_data fixtures.

A fixture is a collection of files that contain the serialized contents of the database. So it's like having a backup of the database but as it's something Django is aware of it's easier to use and will have additional benefits when you come to do things like unit testing.

You can create a fixture from the data currently in your DB using dumpdata. By default the data is in JSON format, but other options such as XML are available. A good place to store fixtures is a fixtures sub-directory of your application directories.

You can load a fixure using loaddata but more significantly, if your fixture has a name like initial_data.json it will be automatically loaded when you do a syncdb, saving the trouble of importing it yourself.

Another benefit is that when you run test to run your Unit Tests the temporary test database will also have the Initial Data Fixture loaded.

Of course, this will work when when you're adding attributes to models and columns to the DB. If you drop a column from the Database you'll need to update your fixture to remove the data for that column which might not be straightforward.

This works best when doing lots of little database changes during development. For updating production DBs a manually generated SQL script can often work best.

Manually doing the SQL changes and dump/reload are both options, but you may also want to check out some of the schema-evolution packages for Django. The most mature options are django-evolution and South.

EDIT: And hey, here comes dmigrations.

UPDATE: Since this answer was originally written, django-evolution and dmigrations have both ceased active development and South has become the de-facto standard for schema migration in Django. Parts of South may even be integrated into Django within the next release or two.

UPDATE: A schema-migrations framework based on South (and authored by Andrew Godwin, author of South) is included in Django 1.7+.

As noted in other answers to the same topic, be sure to watch the DjangoCon 2008 Schema Evolution Panel on YouTube.

Also, two new projects on the map: Simplemigrations and Migratory.

I've been using django-evolution. Caveats include:

  • Its automatic suggestions have been uniformly rotten; and
  • Its fingerprint function returns different values for the same database on different platforms.

That said, I find the custom approach handy. To work around the fingerprint problem, I suggest code like:

BEFORE = 'fv1:-436177719' # first fingerprint
BEFORE64 = 'fv1:-108578349625146375' # same, but on 64-bit Linux
AFTER = 'fv1:-2132605944' 
AFTER64 = 'fv1:-3559032165562222486'

fingerprints = [
    BEFORE64, AFTER64,

    /* put your SQL code to make the changes here */

evolutions = [

If I had more fingerprints and changes, I'd re-factor it. Until then, making it cleaner would be stealing development time from something else.

EDIT: Given that I'm manually constructing my changes anyway, I'll try dmigrations next time.