Alternative to $\mathfrak A$?
With unicode-math
You can select the Fraktur alphabet of any math font, or map any Unicode blackletter (or other!) font to the Fraktur alphabet. You might try UniFraktur Maguntia with its sets of character variants, including three forms of uppercase A. Here is its “easy-reading” or “21st-century” variant.
\documentclass[varwidth, preview]{standalone}
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
% From
% Stylistic Set 1 is the “Easy Reading” variant. Character variant 4:1 is an
% alternative modern A.
]{Unifraktur Maguntia}
\( \symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLM}\\
And a different variant A, plus other modernized letters:
\documentclass[varwidth, preview]{standalone}
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
% From
% Stylistic Set 1 is the “Easy Reading” variant. Character variant 4:1 is an
% alternative modern A.
]{Unifraktur Maguntia}
\( \symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLM}\\
This example keeps the default bold Fraktur, which Maguntia does not cover. There are many other fonts in Steven B. Segaletes’ list here.
As Mico mentioned in the comments, you can select between the available Type 1 Fraktur fonts using mathalpha (formerly mathalfa
Another set of Fraktur fonts that aren’t designed for math mode, but can be used there, are the Y fonts by Yannis Haralambous, which are now available as Type 1. For example, here is Gotisch.
\documentclass[varwidth, preview]{standalone}
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % The default since 2018
% Gotisch:
\( \varfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLM}\\
ETA: Looking back at this answer in 2020, I notice a small bug in the MWE: I use \text
to select a symbol alphabet in math mode. In theory, formatting of the surrounding text, such as \bfseries
or \itshape
, would bleed through. This might be desirable if you’re including math symbols in a title where you want both \bfseries
and \boldmath
, and I don’t believe there’s any \itshape
, \scshape
, or so on for these fonts.
However, you might prefer to use \DeclareMathAlphabet
instead (if you aren’t using legacy tools with a very limited number of math alphabets), or \usefont
or \normalfont
inside \text
As an alternative you could try the fraktur style of kpfonts
package: see the example below without to use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX (fontspec/unicode characters).
In my humble opinion, they are not aggressive characters :-)