Anaconda Runtime Error: Python is not installed as a framework?

Posting since I just had this issue and this was a quick fix:

If you used pip to install:

  1. Create ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc

  2. Add "backend: TkAgg" (without the quotations) to the file.

I was having the same problem. Installing an older version of matplotlib did the trick for me. Try this command in your terminal while in your virtual environment:

pip install matplotlib==1.4.3

I was having the same problem with anaconda 2 & matplotlib 1.5.3.

Running a simple conda install matplotlib to reinstall matplotlib did the trick for me.

If the problem is only matplotlib, is worth try to change the backend:

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])

If it works you can change the backend permanently from the matplotlibrc file.