android: CheckedTextView cannot be checked?

You probably want to just use a regular CheckBox (which inherits from Button and thus TextView). CheckedTextView is designed to work with list views. Example CheckBox layout XML is below:

    android:text="Pop up a message when new data available"
    android:textSize="16dip" />

It is possible, and somewhat simple to implement what you are looking for. Yes, CheckedTextView is used primarily for having a single Checkable view in the row of a ListView, which controls its children's checkable states using choiceMode. However, since CheckBox does not appear to support a right-aligned checkbox on its own, and CheckedTextView is a right-aligned checkbox, it makes sense to want to use what's there.

Because ListView controls the checked state of a list item, the CheckedTextView itself does not respond to click events, and is not clickable or focusable by default. It does respond to pressed and focused states, however -- that means it can receive focus and click events, and looks correct as far as a checkbox should look. The only thing missing is that it does not toggle its checked state on click. Therefore, a quick OnClickListener that calls .toggle() will give you the end result you're looking for.

In summary, you need 3 things: clickable, focusable, and onClickListener:

    CheckedTextView chkBox = (CheckedTextView) findViewById(;
    chkBox.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v)
            ((CheckedTextView) v).toggle();

and layout file:

    android:text="Label on Left Side of Checkbox."