android Failed to start emulator:Cannot run program
Installed on Ubuntu successfully. but not running avd
If you're running a 64-bit system, you need to install ia32-libs
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
- R can not be resolved to a variable
This can be due to following Reason
class is not the part of that package add proper package
not properly defined in manifest file class path define it properly
clear and run the avd it will work
If cmd from fist comment doesn't work like in my case (64bit Crunchbang) then you may also try with :
sudo aptitude install ia32-libs lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6
I solved it doing a backup of the "emulator" and creating a symbolic link to the correct emulator:
mv emulator emulator_bup
ln -s emulator64-arm emulator