android format edittext to display spaces after every 4 characters
is this editext for credit card?
first create count variable
int count = 0;
then put this in your oncreate(activity) / onviewcreated(fragment)
ccEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,
int count, int after) { /*Empty*/}
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
int count) { /*Empty*/ }
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
int inputlength = ccEditText.getText().toString().length();
if (count <= inputlength && inputlength == 4 ||
inputlength == 9 || inputlength == 14)){
ccEditText.setText(ccEditText.getText().toString() + " ");
int pos = ccEditText.getText().length();
} else if (count >= inputlength && (inputlength == 4 ||
inputlength == 9 || inputlength == 14)) {
.substring(0, ccEditText.getText()
.toString().length() - 1));
int pos = ccEditText.getText().length();
count = ccEditText.getText().toString().length();
as @waqas pointed out, you'll need to use a TextWatcher if your aim is to make this happen as the user types the number. Here is one potential way you could achieve the spaces:
StringBuilder s;
s = new StringBuilder(yourTxtView.getText().toString());
for(int i = 4; i < s.length(); i += 5){
s.insert(i, " ");
Whenever you need to get the String without spaces do this:
String str = yourTxtView.getText().toString().replace(" ", "");