Android Ice Cream Sandwich Edittext: Disabling Spell Check and Word Wrap
In your Java class you can add to the Edittext object...
wire1type = (EditText)findViewById(;
wire1type.setInputType( ~(InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT) );
This clears out the autocorrect flag and will work in API 4.
removed all red underlines for me.
produces compilation error.
I use Android API 1.6.
Disabling Spell-Checking
In order to get rid of spell checking you must specify the EditText's InputType in the XML as the following:
However, my EditText needed also to be multiline, so I have added the following line to the EditText's XML:
Disabling Word-Wrap
As noted, the XML attribute android:scrollHorizontally="true"
does not work. However, strangely, if it is done through Java it does work. Here is the necessary code to achieve no word wrapping:
Disabling Spell-Checking in EditText.
In Android 4.0+
sometimes I get a red underline in my Textview so i add the property ...
textNoSuggestions: to indicate that the IME should not show any dictionary-based word suggestions.
Here is a list of possible properties that we can define in : android:inputType
Disabling Word-Wrap
remember that the property android:scrollHorizontally="true"
doesn't work, so this is the solution: