Android: MediaPlayer finalized without being released

I'm not completely sure of the origin of that message, but notice here that you're creating two MediaPlayers: one in onCreate and one in onResume.

That message seems to indicate that it doesn't like that a MP is being finalized (GC'd) without being 'released'. It may be referring to that first mediaPlayer you create in onCreate, which is lost after you reassign it in onResume.

Perhaps the error will go away if you only create one MediaPlayer instead of two?

This message also appears if you don't call release on the media player object and your fragment is stopped, and destroyed.

You need to override onStop() or one of the other methods and call release() on the media player.

public void onStop() {

in my case, I have created local media player reference in a method and what I did was that all the time when I want to play some audio I had used that method. but then I figured that after sudden that local variable is gonna clean from the memory and MediaPlayer can't be accessed anymore with that reference.

Then I created a one global static Mediaplayer reference and when ever i create a media player object i initilized it to that static variable and my problem seems to be solved