Angular calculate percentage in the html

You can use the toFixed method of Number.


I often use the built-in 'number' filter for that purpose;

<span>{{myPercentage | number}}</span>

For 2 decimals:

<span>{{myPercentage | number:2}}</span>

For 0 decimal;

<span>{{myPercentage | number:0}}</span>

You could use a filter, like this one below by jeffjohnson9046

The filter makes the assumption that the input will be in decimal form (i.e. 17% is 0.17).

myApp.filter('percentage', ['$filter', function ($filter) {
  return function (input, decimals) {
    return $filter('number')(input * 100, decimals) + '%';


<tr ng-repeat="i in items">
   <td>{{i.statistic | percentage:2}}</td>