Angular CDK: How to set Inputs in a ComponentPortal

If you are using Angular 10+ and following Awadhoot's answer, PortalInjector is now deprecated so instead of:

new PortalInjector(this.injector, new WeakMap([[SOME_TOKEN, data]]))

You now have:

  parent: this.injector,
  providers: [
    { provide: SOME_TOKEN, useValue: data }

You can create a custom injector and inject it to the component portal you create.

createInjector(dataToPass): PortalInjector {
    const injectorTokens = new WeakMap();
    injectorTokens.set(CONTAINER_DATA, dataToPass);
    return new PortalInjector(this._injector, injectorTokens);

CONTAINER_DATA is a custom injector (InjectorToken) created by -

export const CONTAINER_DATA = new InjectionToken<{}>('CONTAINER_DATA');

To consume created injector, use -

let containerPortal = new ComponentPortal(ComponentToPort, null, this.createInjector({


overlay is an instance of OverlayRef (Which is Portal Outlet)

Inside ComponentToPort, you will need to inject the created injector -

@Inject(CONTAINER_DATA) public componentData: any

More on this here.