Angular - Forcing a reactive form to be valid in a unit test
Why not just clear the validators list?
// If there are any async validators
// If there are any normal validators
// Doing the validation on all the controls to put them back to valid
This will ensure your form has no validators, thus being valid.
using only javascript, you can do:
Object.defineProperty(comp.editForm, 'valid', {
get: () => true
to override the getter, to always return true.
If someone is still struggling with this:
As @realappie answer suggests, we should clear all sync/async validators. But the validators in most cases are on the controls and not the form itself . So, just loop all the controls perform this operation on each control.
From the test file it should look like:
const controls = component.myForm.controls;
for (const control in controls) {
// Clear sync validators - use clearAsyncValidators() for async
// validators
// should update just the control and not everything
controls[control].updateValueAndValidity({ onlySelf: true });