Angular Material Table - Apply dynamically background color to a row (Angular 2+)
You can also use [ngClass]
to achieve this:
<td [ngClass]="{
'is-white': data.STATUS === 'S',
'is-blue': data.STATUS === 'W',
'is-red': data.STATUS === 'E',
'is-green': data.STATUS === 'F'
And then in your css: {
background: ...;
Et voilà ! Hope it helps to understand that you can achieve this with different solution.
To your use, juste use the [ngClass]
in the second <tr>
<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let element; columns: displayedColumns;" class="example-element-row"
[class.example-expanded-row]="expandedElement === element"
'is-white': element.STATUS === 'S',
'is-blue': element.STATUS === 'W',
'is-red': element.STATUS === 'E',
'is-green': element.STATUS === 'F'
}" (click)="log_message = onElementExpand(element); expandedElement = element;"></tr>
You can achieve this by using [ngStyle]
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let data" [ngStyle]="{'background-color': data.STATUS == 's' ? 'white': data.STATUS == 'w' ? 'blue' : data.STATUS == 'e' ? 'Red' : data.STATUS == 'f' ? 'green' : ''}"> {{data.STATUS}} </td>
and my answer is not perfect as in this case you need to repeat [ngStyle]
on every td
Add the attribute with the value of a status and then write CSS for that attribute
e.g: HTML
<tr [attr.row_status]="data.STATUS" /></tr>
So when view will get rendered your HTML will look like this:
<tr row_status="S"></tr>
Now add CSS for the selector:
[row_status="S"] {
background: #fff
let me know if you are still facing the issue. And possibly share the code next time through snippet.
Cheers :)