Angular N - what is the best practice of declaring a constant file?

I will do it like this:

export const MAXIMUM_NUMBER = 10;


import { MAXIMUM_NUMBER } from './emails.constants';

So only import what you use, not everything.

but if you still want to use everything, you can do it similarly as you have done, just change it a bit:

import * as EmailConstants from './emails.constants';

Then you can still use


It is a good practice to make a separate file for your constants. Where, there could be multiple scenarios, in which I prefer/ recommend the Second one from the followings -

1) Export every constant & import as needed; if you don't have too many constants.

export const TEST = "testval";
export const TEST2 = "testval2";

Import as -

import { TEST, TEST2 } from './app.constants';

2) Create & export a single Injectable class if you have too many constants & want a hassle-free import.

So, your app.constants.ts would be -

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

    providedIn: 'root'
export class AppConstants {
    public TEST = "testval";
    public TEST2 = "testval2";

Then, you could simply inject it in your required class like -

constructor(private constants: AppConstants) & use as - constants.TEST

3) You could also export an Object as -

export const constObj = {
    TEST: "testval",
    TEST2: "testval2"

And import it as -

import { constObj } from './app.constants'; & use as - constObj.TEST