AngularJS withCredentials

You should pass a configuration object, like so

$, {withCredentials: true, ...})

or in older versions:

$http({withCredentials: true, ...}).post(...)

See also your other question.

In your app config function add this :

$httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;

It will append this header for all your requests.

Dont forget to inject $httpProvider

EDIT : 2015-07-29

Here is another solution :

HttpIntercepter can be used for adding common headers as well as common parameters.

Add this in your config :


and create factory with name UtimfHttpIntercepter

    angular.module('', [])
    .factory('UtimfHttpIntercepter', UtimfHttpIntercepter)

    UtimfHttpIntercepter.$inject = ['$q'];
    function UtimfHttpIntercepter($q) {
    var authFactory = {};

    var _request = function (config) {
        config.headers = config.headers || {}; // change/add hearders = || {}; // change/add post data
        config.params = config.params || {}; //change/add querystring params            

        return config || $q.when(config);

    var _requestError = function (rejection) {
        // handle if there is a request error
        return $q.reject(rejection);

    var _response = function(response){
        // handle your response
        return response || $q.when(response);

    var _responseError = function (rejection) {
        // handle if there is a request error
        return $q.reject(rejection);

    authFactory.request = _request;
    authFactory.requestError = _requestError;
    authFactory.response = _response;
    authFactory.responseError = _responseError;
    return authFactory;

