Any concurrent.futures timeout that actually works?

You might want to take a look at pebble.

Its ProcessPool was designed to solve this exact issue: enable timeout and cancellation of running tasks without the need of shutting down the entire pool.

When a future times out or is cancelled, the worker gets actually terminated effectively stopping the execution of the scheduled function.


pool = pebble.ProcessPool(max_workers=1)
future = pool.schedule(func, args=args, timeout=1)
except TimeoutError:


def call_with_timeout(func, *args, timeout=3):
    pool = pebble.ProcessPool(max_workers=1)
    with pool:
        future = pool.schedule(func, args=args, timeout=timeout)
        return future.result()

The timeout is behaving as it should. future.result(timeout=timeout) stops after the given timeout. Shutting down the pool still waits for all pending futures to finish executing, which causes the unexpected delay.

You can make the shutdown happen in the background by calling shutdown(wait=False), but the overall Python program won't end until all pending futures finish executing anyway:

def call_with_timeout(func, *args, timeout=3):
    pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
        future = pool.submit(func, *args)
        result = future.result(timeout=timeout)

The Executor API offers no way to cancel a call that's already executing. future.cancel() can only cancel calls that haven't started yet. If you want abrupt abort functionality, you should probably use something other than concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.