Any way to grab a logo icon from website URL, programmatically?

Use this website:

It will find all logos for a website in multiple sizes and return a nice json string with meta data including the url to the icon. You simply replace with your domain.

The site also has a gui for entering in websites manually if you prefer:

Here is a sample string returned from querying for the stack overflow website:


It's called a favicon, and all you have to do is:

  1. If there's an icon at /favicon.ico, use that.
  2. Otherwise, get the content of the page, and extract the location from <link rel="shortcut icon" href="URL goes here" />. You’ll need to use an HTML parser and find the <link> with a rel of either icon or shortcut icon.

I know I am late but this API will help others

Android doesn't support favicon files. You can fetch favicon but can't show/use it.

But Google provides free API to get favicon in image format.

Use Picasso to show icon in imageview.

Use this

You can even customize to get particular size and grascaled version