Any way to use a custom diff tool with cleartool/clearcase?

Another option is to use Git+ClearCase (or see this or this) and just diff with Git.

This is remarkably easy to set up and, in my experience, it actually hurts your brain less to use two VCS systems at once than to try to beat CC into being a 21st century tool.

Just think of Git as a bridge between CC and diff :-)

It seems someone already thought about it on snip2code!
Here a tcsh bash script that does exactly what you want.


As you can see the following is the key code to get the previous version of a given file:

cleartool descr -pred -short $1

Where $1 is the file name to compare.

#!/bin/tcsh -e
set _CLEARCASE_VIEW = `cleartool pwv -short -setview`
echo Set view: "$_CLEARCASE_VIEW"
set my_firstversion = ""
set my_secondversion = ""
set my_difftool = kdiff3

# check clearcase view
if ( "$_CLEARCASE_VIEW" == "** NONE **" ) then
  echo "Error: ClearCase view not set, aborted."
  exit -1

if ( "$1" == "" ) then
  echo "Error: missing 1st file argument!"
  echo "Eg: `basename $0` file1.txt -> This will diff file1.txt with its previous version"
  echo "Eg: `basename $0` file1.txt file2.txt -> This will diff file1.txt and file2.txt"
  exit -1

set my_firstversion = "$1"
echo "my_firstversion=$my_firstversion"

if ( "$2" == "" ) then
  echo "No 2nd file passed, calculating previous version of $my_firstversion"
  set my_secondversion = $my_firstversion@@`cleartool descr -pred -short $my_firstversion`
  echo "Setting 2nd file to $2"
  set my_secondversion = "$2"
echo "my_secondversion=$my_secondversion"

${my_difftool} ${my_firstversion} ${my_secondversion} &

How to change default diff tools

You can specify an external diff tool by modifying the file map, in "c:\program files\rational\ClearCase\lib\mgrs"

The WinMerge suggested by Paul actually modifies that file.

Each map line has 3 parts: the CC filetype, the CC action, and the application.

Find the section in the map file for text_file_delta file types. There you will find lines for CC actions compare, xcompare, merge, and xmerge which look like this:

text_file_delta   compare          ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
text_file_delta   xcompare         ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
text_file_delta   merge            ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
text_file_delta   xmerge           ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe

You can replace them by the executable of your diff tool choice.

Or, a simple diff script

If you want to go full command-line on this (which I like ;-) ), a little ccperl can help:

my ($file, $switches) = @ARGV;
$switches ||= '-ubBw';

my ($element, $version, $pred) 
    = split(/;/,`cleartool describe -fmt '%En;%Vn;%PVn' $file`);

unless ($pred) { die "ctdiff: $file has no predecessor\n"; }

exec "mydiff $switches $element\@\@$pred $file";

Warning: extended pathname (@@\...) is only accessible in dynamic view (M:\..., not snapshot view (c:\...).

The script has nothing to do with the mapfile presented above:

  • that file defines 'Type Merge Managers'.
  • This script allows you to run any merge manager on any file you want, without reading any map file to look for the right diff exe to use for a given file.

Here, you provide to the script both informations: the file (as a parameter) and the diff exe to run (within the script implementation: replace mydiff by whatever diff exe you want).

Or, improved diff script (works in static/snapshot views too)

Here is a version of this script which works for both snapshot and dynamic view.

For snapshot view, I use the chacmool's suggestion: cleartool get.

Again, you can replace the diff command included in this script by the tool of your choosing.

my ($file, $switches) = @ARGV;
$switches ||= '-u';

my ($element, $version, $pred) 
    = split(/;/,`cleartool describe -fmt '%En;%Vn;%PVn' $file`);

unless ($pred) { die "ctdiff: $file has no predecessor\n"; }

# figure out if view is dynamic or snapshot
my $str1 = `cleartool lsview -long -cview`;
if($? == 0) { dodie(" must be executed within a clearcase view"); }
my @ary1 = grep(/Global path:/, split(/\n/, $str1));
if($str1 =~ /View attributes: snapshot/sm) { $is_snapshot = 1; }

my $predfile = "$element\@\@$pred";
$predfile =~ s/\'//g;#'
if ($is_snapshot) { 
  my $predtemp = "c:\\temp\\pred.txt";
  my $cmd = "cleartool get -to $predtemp $predfile"; printf("$cmd\n");
  my $str2 = `$cmd`;
  $predfile = $predtemp;
sub dodie {
    my $message = $_[0];
    print($message . "\n");
    exit 1;

exec "diff $switches $predfile $file";

Kdiff3 has built in integration. Open the tool - go to Settings --> Configure --> Integration and click the 'Integrate with ClearCase' button. This tool has excellent 3 way diff support, handles UTF-8 and with this automated integration you don't have to worry about element types etc. in the map file.