Apache Airflow problem - "a task with task_id create_tag_template_field_result is already in the DAG"

you can set the config arg load_examples = False to solve it.

This is the test command will call get_dag function which will construct a DagBag object, in the construction function will call collect_dags function. The collect_dags function when the conf arg LOAD_EXAMPLES=True(default True), will collect all the dags in the example path, that's where the task create_tag_template_field_result comes from.
And in the collect_dags function will call add_task function of every example task, that's where you add the create_tag_template_field_result task again. And maybe it's quickstart when you added this task before for the first time while you didn't realize.
you can set the config arg load_examples = False to solve it

