Apache Camel conditional routing

try using camel-simple expressions instead of xpath for this...

<when><simple>${body} is 'com.RegisterUser'</simple><to uri="..."/></when>

The information of the operation required will be in the header of the message.

The header you are looking for is called 'operationName'

So here is an example :

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
    <route id="example">
        <from uri="cxf:bean:myListenerEndpoint?dataFormat=POJO&amp;synchronous=true" />
        <log message="The expected operation is :: ${headers.operationName}" />
                <simple>${headers.operationName} == 'RegisterUser'</simple>
                    <bean ref="processor" method="processMessage"/>
                <to uri="xslt:file:resources/service/2.0.0/UserRegistration.xsl"/>
                <simple>${headers.operationName} == 'UpdateUser'</simple>
                <!-- Do the update user logic here -->
                <bean ref="processor" method="updateUser" />
    <to uri="cxf:bean:myTargetEndpoint"/>

(Note the example is using apache aries blueprint - but it will be identical for spring, other than the namespace)