Apache Spark (Structured Streaming) : S3 Checkpoint support
This is a known issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-19407
Should be fixed in the next release. You can set the default file system to s3 using --conf spark.hadoop.fs.defaultFS=s3
as a workaround.
What makes an FS HDFS "compliant?" it's a file system, with the behaviours specified in Hadoop FS specification. The difference between an object store and FS is covered there, with the key point being "eventually consistent object stores without append or O(1) atomic renames are not compliant"
For S3 in particular
- It's not consistent: after a new blob is created, a list command often doesn't show it. Same for deletions.
- When a blob is overwritten or deleted, it can take a while to go away
- rename() is implemented by copy and then delete
Spark streaming checkpoints by saving everything to a location and then renaming it to the checkpoint directory. This makes the time to checkpoint proportional to the time to do a copy of the data in S3, which is ~6-10 MB/s.
The current bit of streaming code isn't suited for s3
For now, do one of
- checkpoint to HDFS and then copy over the results
- checkpoint to a bit of EBS allocated and attached to your cluster
- checkpoint to S3, but have a long gap between checkpoints so that the time to checkpoint doesn't bring your streaming app down.
If you are using EMR, you can pay the premium for a consistent, dynamo DB backed S3, which gives you better consistency. But copy time is still the same, so checkpointing will be just as slow